A “Profound” Realization

Often times during the course of my work, I become very frustrated when I don’t know how I am going to be able to make a stable income out of what I do, which is develop mobile Products for mobile phones. Regardless of the case, frustration is a common feeling in every corner and aspect of life in the work that anyone does, so I think just about anyone can relate to this.

Working incessantly on a time-consuming/wasting problem that was going nowhere, I decided to play some music from a play list search of a band Lysis on YouTube. Now I’m a pretty big melodic metal/ melodic death metal fan, despite my intellectual leanings. There is just something about the infinite permutations of “cool sounding” riffs that can be generated from the harmonic minor and melodic minor scales mixed with reverb that just infinitely grabs my attention. This leads me to a realization that to I’m sure you’ve all had at one point or another. That music makes me feel better, and often times concentrate better. Being of the scientific mind that I am and having google at my disposal I was determined to learn more about the subject. No doubt being an electrical engineer and educated in the workings of the brain, it comes as no surprise that the brain, as complicated a “device” as it is, has common resonances amongst all people, meaning there are certain frequencies of electrical energy transferred to the brain in the form of sound transduced by the ear which can control the state of a person’s mind.

Now whether this is just a product of evolution or the intent of some higher level “function of existence” is material for an interesting debate, however the fact remains that this phenomenon exists and is utilized in several areas of the life science industry and in an amateur sense as well to modify people’s moods so they can become more productive and even receptive to suggestion. Join me as we discover some of the methods and ways that this is accomplished. My intent is to provide you with information regarding the latest developments intrigues within this realm.

I’ll be providing the latest information in my findings that I hope will be useful to as well as providing reviews of products which I believe implement the principles discussed here.

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