Emotional Processing – Part 3

Though depression is a wide subject that can be delved into extensively, this article if you will is about emotional processing of the depressed emotion and where it occurs. For the most part it seems to be the frontal lobe region. As most computers can be reprogrammed, the brain can also be reprogrammed as discussed before but is there a more concrete medical way of doing so besides medications of course.

Recently a ground breaking procedure was performed that actually assisted a clinically depressed man of over 30 years to achieve normalcy in his emotional state. It essentially involved shocking the the over active emotional processing center of his brain with an electric current, and having repeated shocks applied to his emotional processing center.

Though at first glance this harkens back to the old days of lobotomies and psycho-psychology, it actually proved to be a successful procedures with no observable negative effects. It involved simply applying an electric current to the neurons which were over firing, so they may be reset.

The procedure is not actually unheard of because it has had success in Parkinson’s patients but its so new and requires further clinical examination. In a way this is almost like a physical rebooting of a small portion of the brain computer which has gone into a “blue screen state”. The computer isn’t damaged but its functions are restarted with a clean state so it may begin processing again.

In many ways emotional processing especially of the emotion of sadness is a very observable phenomenon. Perhaps one day we’ll understand it even better and learn how to control and harness it to make it a more productive function of the brain.

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